When you are getting ready to clean your house most people have a routine that they typically follow. You might clean the bathrooms on a certain day and the vacuuming on another day. The standard house cleaning is something that you have to keep up with on a regular basis to keep your house from falling apart. Although this is a great way to keep your house clean there are some areas that are a bit more obscure and need some attention. They don’t need to be cleaned on a weekly basis but should get some of your attention on occasion. People will often go into a deeper cleaning mode a few times a year. This is when these areas should be tackled but you need to know what they are first.
AAA Cleanco List Areas You Want to Make Sure Gets Cleaned & Never Skipped
Clean Vacuum, Dishwasher & Drains: When you are trying to clean you don’t often go after the things that help you clean. They are often overlooked but the problem is that these can also become messy and dirty. One of the areas that you need to address is the vacuum. They vacuum is used all the time to clean the carpets, stairs and upholstery. The great thing is that the vacuum has a canister or bag that can be dumped out but there will be debris that is left behind. You want to make sure that the roller is clear of debris so that it is able to rotate without being held back. You also can clean the filters and replace them with a fresh one. The dishwasher is another area that needs to be cleaned out so that your dishes are clean and spot free. The drain area will need to be cleared of any debris and wipe out any build up that you might find.
Organize Desk & Dresser Drawers: Drawers are a blessing and a curse for most homes. There always seems to be a drawer that is just full of junk. It is all the items that just never has a place to go or is the spot to drop things when you’re doing a quick clean up. These drawers can become a problem and overfilled which can be overwhelming. The best thing to do is to clean out the drawer occasionally so that it does not get out of hand. You can go through your other drawers and cabinets and make sure that they are organized as well.
Fresh Ice: The ice maker is a part of the freezer that makes ice all day long that adds cold to your drinks. The ice uses water from a line that is run to the back of the unit. The problem is that the ice can become stale and absorb the odors of your freezer and fridge. If you are noticing that your ice smells odd or leaves a weird taste behind it is a great time to clean out the ice maker. You can take the ice out that has already been made and empty it in the sink. Wash out the bin and allow it to dry all the way before you place it back in the freezer.
House Cleaning Services & More in Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, La Quinta, Banning, Coachella Valley & Riverside County California
AAA Cleanco offers residential cleaning services and more! Call our office today to have your home cleaned by our professionals.